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Whiteville Primary School
805 Barbcrest Ave. Whiteville, NC 28472
Quick Links
School Improvement Plan (GuestS15922 is password and username)

Congratulations to Robin English, on her award of
Whiteville Primary Schools'
2023-2024 Teacher of the Year!!
2024-2025 WCS School Calendar
(Beginning Fall 2024)

Immunization, NC Health Transmittal Form, and Health Physical Requirements
Parents and Guardians:
Th NC general statute requires immunizations for every student present in this state. In addition, ALL PreK and kindergarten are required to have a health physical.
All students new to the NC school system are required to have a NC Health Transmittal form completed.
Everyone is given 30 calendar days to comply with these requirements. Students who do not meet this requirement by September 29, 2024 will be excluded from school.
Letters went home TODAY for students missing any of the above mentioned items.
Please contact your primary health care provider to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to any of the necessary items mentioned.
Thank you for understanding and for your prompt cooperation in getting this done.
Should you have questions, Please contact Nurse JoJo at 910.642.4119.
Whiteville Primary School has been recognized during the 2020-2021, 2021-2022, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years as a Purple Star School. According to the NCDPI website (2023), "The Purple Star designation is awarded to schools that demonstrate military-friendly practices and a commitment to military students and families." WPS proudly displays our Purple Star Award banner in the lobby of our school!
MTSS Recognition for MODEL School...
Congratulations are in order!!!!!! Whiteville Primary School was recently recognized as a Model School for the MTSS Implementation Recognition. Whiteville Primary School is one of 27 schools who met this qualification.
Box Top Collecting
Click here to find out how we collect BOX TOPS and how you can help our school!